Thursday, January 29, 2009

Root Canal Theraphy

Root canal therapy is designed to correct disorders of the dental pulp-- the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

Symptoms of Pulpal damage
  • long standing pain
  • facial swelling

Post-Operative Care

1. Brittleness pulp less tooth is more brittle than non treated tooth and great care should be used to avoid fracture and chipping

2. Discoloration - a non vital tooth ( dead tooth) may become discolored over time, which can be treated with bleaching. In most cases, the discoloration poses no threath to the health of the tooth.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction is the removal of the tooth from it's socket to the bone,


- severe caries
- for orthodontic purpose
- impacted tooth

Two type of extraction

1. Simple Extraction is performed on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth

2. Surgical Extraction involves teeth that cannot be seen easily in the mouth. They may have broken off at the gum line or they may not have come in yet.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Gingivitis and Periodontitis


Gingivitis refers to gingival inflammation induced by bacterial biofilms (also called plaque) adherent to tooth surfaces. This inflammation can, over the years, cause deep pockets between the teeth and gums and loss of bone around teeth—an effect otherwise known as periodontitis


  1. Swollen Gum
  2. Sores
  3. Bright Red Purple Gums
  4. Swollen Gums with pus
  5. Gums that bleeds easily, even with gentle brushing
  6. Gums that itch with varying degrees of severity


  1. Regular Oral Hygiene that includes Brushing and Flossing.
  2. Mouthwash is optional


Oral Prophylaxis

  • Scaling and Polishing
  • Helps keep teeth and gums healthy
  • It removes hard tartar or calculus that cannot be removed by brushing


Inflammatory disease affecting periodontium-(the tissue that surround and support the teeth). It involves progressive loss of alveolar bone . If untreated can lead to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth

Sign and Symptoms

  • Redness or Bleeding Gums while brushing teeth or flossing
  • Recurrent gingival swelling
  • Halitosis or Bad Breathe
  • Gingival recession, resulting lenghtening of teeth
  • Deep Pockets between teeth and gums
  • Loosening of tooth or tooth mobility


  • Regular Dental check-up and professional teeth cleening is required
  • Using antiseptic mouthwash
  • Regular Brushing and Flossing


Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

  • Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing also known as scaling and curretage is a conservative cleaning procedure
  • The purpose is to remove hard deposits and infection from beneath the gum and cleanse and clean the root surfaces


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